The Daily Shot Brief – May 13th, 2024



The United States: Households are increasingly concerned about higher unemployment ahead, which often serves as a leading indicator for the unemployment rate.

Source: Pantheon Macroeconomics  


Canada: Canada’s April employment gains were well above forecasts.

Source: The Daily Shot
Source: Reuters   Read full article  


The probability of a BoC June rate cut dipped below 50% following the strong employment report.

Source: The Daily Shot


China: Net aggregate financing was negative as net government debt issuance declined.

Source: The Daily Shot
Source: @markets   Read full article  


Commodities: Iron ore prices have sharply diverged from the rise in stocks at Chinese ports.

Source: Capital Economics  


Credit: Is rising unemployment signaling wider high-yield spreads?

Source: BofA Global Research  


Food for Thought: Record earnings in the live-music industry:

Source: Statista  

Edited by William Villacis

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