The Daily Shot Brief – May 10th, 2024



The United States: Initial jobless claims jumped last week, sparking concerns over potential weaknesses in the labor market.

Source: The Daily Shot


The United Kingdom: Speculative accounts are betting on a weaker pound in anticipation of the Bank of England’s impending rate cuts.

Source: The Daily Shot


Emerging Markets: Mexico’s headline inflation increased last month, but the core CPI continues to ease.

Source: The Daily Shot
Source: MarketWatch


Commodities: Gold is surging again.

Source: The Daily Shot


Energy: This chart shows how conflicts impacting the Persian Gulf have impacted the oil price.

Source: Alpine Macro


Equities: The Dow has been up for seven consecutive trading sessions.

Source: The Daily Shot


Food for Thought: Robots in manufacturing:

Source: The Economist


Edited by Josh Oldmixon

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