The United States: 2018 could be a record year for US companies’ overseas mergers and acquisitions.

China: China’s pension shortfall has been rising.

Equity Markets: The number of Bloomberg stories mentioning “healthy correction” hits a record high.

Rates: Analysts expect higher Treasury issuance across the curve over the next two years, with the shorter maturities seeing the greatest increases.

The United Kingdom: The UK’s business activity growth is slowing across the board, including manufacturing, services, and construction.

Credit: This scatter-plot shows the leverage increase over the past decade versus the current leverage by sector (globally).

Cryptocurrencies: With Bitcoin exchanges fragmented, arbitrage opportunities still exist.

Food for Thought: Who works 60 hours a week or more?

Edited by Joseph N Cohen
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Thanks to Josh Marte (@joshdigga), Matt Garrett (@MattGarrett3), Joseph Cohen (@josephncohen),, S&P Global, and Moody’s Investors Service for helping with the research for the Daily Shot.
We would also like to thank the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for the incredible job they have done providing data and graphics to the public. Here is the credit and legal notice related to all FRED charts: FRED® Graphs ©Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. All rights reserved. All FRED® Graphs appear courtesy of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
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