The Daily Shot Brief – February 16th, 2023



The United States: US retail sales topped expectations as warm weather boosted spending after weak activity in December. Here is a breakdown:

Source: @TheTerminal, Bloomberg Finance L.P.


Industrial production was flat last month, but manufacturing output jumped.

Source: The Daily Shot


Equities: The stock/bond correlation is negative again.

Source: S&P Dow Jones Indices


Should stock investors be concerned about the Fed draining liquidity from the banking system? Stocks have diverged from Fed reserve balances.

Source: @TheTerminal, Bloomberg Finance L.P.


The United Kingdom: Sharp declines in mortgage approvals suggest that additional house price weakness is likely to follow. According to PGM Global, roughly 42% of UK mortgages are at variable rates or fixed rates that expire or reset within 24 months.

Source: PGM Global


Emerging Markets: India’s trade deficit narrowed more than expected last month.

Source: The Daily Shot


Cryptocurrency: Cryptos surged this week.

Source: The Daily Shot
Source: @olgakharif, @crypto  Read full article


Food for Thought: Lastly, here is vegan-related online search activity:

Source: @OpenAxisHQ

Edited by William Villacis

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