The United States: Here is the CPI trajectory for each business cycle since 1879.

The Eurozone: According to Natixis, “banks have hardly sold assets (bonds) to the ECB, and therefore, most of the ECB’s [net] asset purchases have been from non-bank economic agents, which fuelled money creation.”

Energy: Oil supply/demand balance will tighten in the months to come. Geopolitical tensions will also provide support for oil prices (see story).

Global Developments: Will slower economic growth pull down corporate earnings?

Food for Thought: Most valuable brands:

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Edited by Joseph N Cohen
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Thanks to Josh Marte (@joshdigga), Matt Garrett (@MattGarrett3), Joseph Cohen (@josephncohen),, S&P Global, and Moody’s Investors Service for helping with the research for the Daily Shot.
We would also like to thank the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis for the incredible job they have done providing data and graphics to the public. Here is the credit and legal notice related to all FRED charts: FRED® Graphs ©Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. All rights reserved. All FRED® Graphs appear courtesy of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis.
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