The United States: US consumer debt increases are driven by non-housing credit, primarily student and auto loans.

Student debt delinquency rates remain elevated, while problem auto loan balances continue to climb.

Equity Markets: Will the market correction be extended this year? Long-term market history shows much larger yearly drawdowns than what we’ve had recently.

Global Development: Finally, we have the combined unemployment rate of the US, the Eurozone, the UK, and Japan.

The United Kingdom: While another Brexit vote is unlikely, the polls show increasing support for such a referendum.

And here is an updated opinion poll on the matter.

Eurozone: Euro area banks didn’t want to hold low- or negative-yielding government debt. But if yields rise substantially, the situation will change.

Commodities: China controls a great deal of global battery manufacturing.

China: Higher mortgage rates should reduce China’s household debt growth.

Food for Thought: The first map shows US road fatalities as a percentage of the population, and the second one is road fatalities as a fraction of all fatalities.

Edited by Joseph N Cohen
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Thanks to Josh Marte (@joshdigga), Matt Garrett (@MattGarrett3), Joseph Cohen (@josephncohen),, S&P Global, and Moody’s Investors Service for helping with the research for the Daily Shot.
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