The United States: While the job market continues to gain momentum, employment growth is slowing. The pool of “idle” workers is shrinking amid the aging US population. Employers are looking for ways to grow without significant staff increases.

Equity Markets: Here is a comparison of the latest market correction with the previous ones.

Credit: High-yield default rates continue to decline.

Here is the default rate projection by industry.

The United Kingdom: What would happen if the EU Referendum were held now?

Energy Markets: Upstream oil projects have picked up momentum.

Cryptocurrencies: How do Bitcoin futures compare to other products in terms of volumes (green) and margin requirements (blue)?

China: Here is the breakdown of China’s GDP growth.

Food for Thought: Apple is selling more watches than Switzerland.

Edited by Joseph N Cohen
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Thanks to Josh Marte (@joshdigga), Matt Garrett (@MattGarrett3), Joseph Cohen (@josephncohen),, S&P Global, and Moody’s Investors Service for helping with the research for the Daily Shot.
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